India's Tata Group will set up a state-of-the-art semiconductor manufacturing plant at Dholera in Gujarat later this year, Natarajan Chandrasekaran, Chairman of India's Tata Group, announced at the Vibrant Gujarat Summit on Wednesday.
"The Tata Group has also made a commitment and is about to complete and announce a large-scale semiconductor manufacturing facility in Dholrea and we are about to complete negotiations and start it in 2024," the chairman announced.
This announcement is a significant development in supporting the Indian semiconductor ecosystem. US semiconductor company Micron Technology is setting up its chip manufacturing facility in Gujarat, a first of its kind in the country, with an investment of Rs 275 crore.
"I am proud that in June we announced memory assembly and testing in Gujarat, a first in India. I thank the state officials for making it possible. We have started building a world-class facility. I visited it yesterday and it Sanjay Mehrotra, the incoming CEO of the company said in his speech.
"Following Micron's investment plans in Gujarat, we are now preparing for another round of managed investments in India. I am delighted to share the progress with our audience today. With the support of the central and state governments, we are ready to make a significant contribution." Jeffery Chun, global CEO of Simmtech, said: “Investing in India creates thousands of jobs for highly skilled people in the state of Gujarat. "
South Korean company Simmtech said it will build a chip component factory to complement Micron's upcoming semiconductor test and packaging plant. The Center and state governments have been actively trying to attract semiconductor chip manufacturers in the country. In early July last year, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi provided 50% financial assistance to these companies to set up factories in India.